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After School Clubs

We are lucky to be able to offer a range of after-school clubs to all our pupils in Years 1 to Year 6. 

We work in partnership with  Skilled Hands and  to deliver our after school clubs. These clubs change regularly to allow for a variety of interests and activities to be explored by the boys and girls.


General Club Information & Terms and Conditions

To book spaces in the clubs a Weduc invitation will be sent out prior to the term starting - all bookings are subject to space availability and are allocated on a first come first served basis.

Free club spaces are allocated to FSM and PP children so please book in the usual way.

Payment must be made in full ahead of the club starting and if payment is not received the place will be re-allocated to a child on the waiting list.



Football Skills & Training

Day: Years 1 - 3 - Tuesday

Day: Years 4 - 6 - Thursday

Club information

Children will have the opportunity to train in:

Ball skills, agility, fitness, team games  




Homework Club

Day: Mondays & Tuesdays 

Club information

Open to invited children in Y4, Y5 & Y6, Homework Club runs during school term-time.   It's a great opportunity for children to complete their homework amongst their peers and with the support of school staff available if needed.

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Skilled Hands Club

Day: Monday

Day: Tuesday

Day: Wednesday

Day: Thursday

Club information

Skilled Hands runs a sewing club including crochet. 

There are lots of benefits to crafting and sewing: 

  1. You can achieve mindfulness which can give the mind a much-needed break from worries about the past and future, allowing the brain and body to both rejuvenate themselves.
  2. The focus required while crafting is an effective way to exercise the brain for people of all ages. 
  3. Crafting provides a unique social atmosphere where not only are you focusing on your craft, but you are connecting with the people you are crafting with.


Hobbies Club

Day: Monday & Wednesday

Club information

Sessions will include instruction of all of the following:

New moves, skills, understanding the basics and tactics

Hobbies enjoyed by the children and sharing these with their friends 



Sessions will include instructionon; 

Understanding the game, racket skills, fitness, basic ball control

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