Football Skills & Training
Day: Years 1 - 3 - Tuesday
Day: Years 4 - 6 - Thursday
Club information
Children will have the opportunity to train in:
Ball skills, agility, fitness, team games
Homework Club
Day: Mondays & Tuesdays
Club information
Open to invited children in Y4, Y5 & Y6, Homework Club runs during school term-time. It's a great opportunity for children to complete their homework amongst their peers and with the support of school staff available if needed.
Skilled Hands Club
Day: Monday
Day: Tuesday
Day: Wednesday
Day: Thursday
Club information
Skilled Hands runs a sewing club including crochet.
There are lots of benefits to crafting and sewing:
- You can achieve mindfulness which can give the mind a much-needed break from worries about the past and future, allowing the brain and body to both rejuvenate themselves.
- The focus required while crafting is an effective way to exercise the brain for people of all ages.
- Crafting provides a unique social atmosphere where not only are you focusing on your craft, but you are connecting with the people you are crafting with.
Hobbies Club
Day: Monday & Wednesday
Club information
Sessions will include instruction of all of the following:
New moves, skills, understanding the basics and tactics
Hobbies enjoyed by the children and sharing these with their friends
Sessions will include instructionon;
Understanding the game, racket skills, fitness, basic ball control